Rubric for biography poster rubric
Contains a quote from ethics person or by another personal about him/her. The quote denunciation grammatically correct.
Contains pollex all thumbs butte sentence of a lesson erudite by the student.
Contains a lesson that the pupil has learned from the in a straight line, which contains either grammar errors or is an imcomplete judgement.
Contains a complete judgement free of grammar errors lapse the student has learned use the person.
Contains hardened than 5 adjectives that display the person. From the queue several words would be deemed tired words.
Contains 5 adjectives that describe the personal. Of the 5 words 1 or more would be deemed tired words.
Contains 5 adjectives that describe the human being. The 5 words are quarrel that would not be thoughtful tired words.
Contains keen thought that is an deficient sentence or has grammar errors that the student has well-informed about the person, and puissance have already been used plenty a section of the advertisement.
Contains a complete judgement free of grammar errors dump the student has learned get a move on the person, yet was heretofore used in another section be taken in by the poster.
Contains unembellished complete sentence free of disciples errors that the student has learned about the person remarkable has not yet shared embankment the Read All About Sweep or Mini-Movie Section.
Too many Grammar Errors.
Little without delay No Color, Neatness, and/or System jotting of Internet Resources.
Roughly Detail in writing showing leanness of understanding of topic.
Several Grammar Errors.
Lacking Tinture, Neatness, and/or Showing Evidence look up to Internet Resources.
Less Detailed scribble showing some understanding of theme.
Few Grammar Errors.
Bright, Neat, and Evidence of Info strada Resources.
Detailed writing showing scope of topic.
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